Map of Little Falls area showing ZIP codes, with Falls Church addresses highlighted, and the City of Falls Church emphasized with Little Falls labels.

Little Falls, VA

A Name for All

Join the movement to rename Falls Church to Little Falls, fostering unity and inclusivity that respects the diverse religious beliefs and secular views of our community members.

Sign the Petition

Why Rename to Little Falls?



Removing the connection to a specific church and religion, making the city more welcoming to people of all faiths, beliefs, and non-believers.

Honoring Indigenous Heritage

Honoring Indigenous Heritage

Highlighting the significance of the Native American peoples who inhabited the area and valued the Little Falls of the Potomac River.

Embracing Diversity

Embracing Diversity

Acknowledging the city’s evolution from a single colonial church to a community encompassing various denominations and secular perspectives.

An artistic rendering of the current brick Falls Church building
Reconnecting with Geographical Roots

Reconnecting with Geographical Roots

Drawing attention to the city’s proximity to the Little Falls and its origins at the intersection of significant Native American trails.

Recognizing Enslaved People's Contributions

Recognizing Enslaved People’s Contributions

Acknowledging the enslaved labor that played a crucial role in building the original wooden church and the current brick Falls Church.

Fostering Community Dialogue

Fostering Community Dialogue

Encouraging residents to participate in the decision-making process and engage in meaningful conversations about the city’s history and future.

Press Releases and Media Contacts

Press and Media Inquiries

For media inquiries or to request an interview, please contact us at: .

Latest Press Releases

  • Falls Church, VA - August 16, 2023 - Little Falls Movement calls for an embrace of the city's history and a movement toward inclusivity. Continue Reading »

  • Little Falls, VA - May 29, 2023 - The Committee for Little Falls is proud to announce the formation of a new sub-committee, focused on recruiting volunteers, maintaining the website, and drafting press releases to drive support for the proposed name change from Falls Church, Virginia to Little Falls. Continue Reading »

  • Little Falls, VA - May 28, 2023 - The Committee for Little Falls, a dedicated group of residents, announces the launch of a new initiative to change the name of Falls Church, Virginia, to Little Falls. Continue Reading »

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